Mindfulness en compassie en wetenschappelijk onderzoek
Op deze pagina worden links naar artikelen en andere bronnen voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek omtrent mindfulness
en compassie opgesomd.
Het betreft hier meestal vormen van mindfulness-meditatie die gerelateerd zijn aan de benadering van Jon Kabat-Zinn
en minder naar benaderingen van mindfulness-meditatie zoals in de Boeddhistische traditie.
Zoals op de pagina over zuiver gewaarzijn aangegeven wordt, is er vanuit het integratie aspect gezien
bij de Boeddhistische vorm van mindfulness sprake van een grotere mate van mindfulness.
Te verwachten valt dat de positieve effecten van mindfulness daardoor bij die vorm groter
zullen zijn dan bij de vorm van mindfulness gebaseerd op de benadering van Jon Kabat-Zinn.
In het artikel van Psychology Today: "New Research Finds Mindfulness Reduces Worry" blijkt ook dat een meditatievorm
gebaseerd op "letting things be as they are" effectiever is (hoewel niet veel) dan een vorm gebaseerd op
het aandachtig zijn bij de sensaties van de ademhaling.
Hierbij speelt ook dat een benadering gebaseerd op "letting things be as they are" op de lange termijn makkelijker kan leiden tot andere vormen van meditatie bijvoorbeeld waarbij er geen referentie-object is of waarbij dualistische fixatie overstegen is etc. En waarschijnlijk heeft het extra voordelen om in deze toestanden te kunnen verblijven. Dit soort effecten zijn wellicht wat minder makkelijk te onderzoeken aangezien het meer tijd kost en deelnemers daardoor langer gevolg moeten worden.
Hierbij speelt ook dat een benadering gebaseerd op "letting things be as they are" op de lange termijn makkelijker kan leiden tot andere vormen van meditatie bijvoorbeeld waarbij er geen referentie-object is of waarbij dualistische fixatie overstegen is etc. En waarschijnlijk heeft het extra voordelen om in deze toestanden te kunnen verblijven. Dit soort effecten zijn wellicht wat minder makkelijk te onderzoeken aangezien het meer tijd kost en deelnemers daardoor langer gevolg moeten worden.
Artikelen die ingaan op wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar mindfulness-meditatie:
- 14-02-2019 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - Mindfulness Meditation is Useful in Mental Health Treatment, but Evidence for Some Conditions Outpaces Others
- 25-01-2019 - Mind and Life Institute - Meditation for Mental Health: How Does Mindfulness Compare to Other Treatments?
- 12-12-2018 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - Brief Meditation Practices Differ in Buffering Against Stress
- 21-08-2018 - RadboudUMC centrum voor mindfulness - MBCT voor mensen met chronische, therapieresistente depressie
- 23-07-2018 - RadboudUMC centrum voor mindfulness - Online mindfulness effectief bij psychische klachten bij kanker
- 23-07-2018 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - Meditation Affects Brain Networks Differently in Long-Term Meditators and Novices
- 03-05-2018 - Garrison Institute - What is Effortless Mindfulness?
- 26-04-2018 - Mind and Life Institute - Pain Relief without Opioids? Two Varela Grantees find converging results about mindfulness and pain
- 05-12-2017 - Greater Good magazine - The State of Mindfulness Science
- 07-06-2017 - Gezondheidsnet - Mindfulness kan mogelijk helpen om slechte eetgewoontes te doorbreken
- 9-02-2017 - Psychology Today - New Research Finds Mindfulness Reduces Worry
- 11-05-2016 - Gezondheidsnet - 'Yoga en meditatie helpt bij geheugenproblemen'
- 28-04-2016 - Gezondheidsnet - Mindfulness effectief bij preventie terugval van depressie
- 29-04-2016 - RadboudUMC centrum voor mindfulness - Mindfulness effectief bij preventie terugkerende depressie
- 08-01-2016 - Gezondheidsnet - Mindfulness ook effectief bij actuele depressie
- 13-11-2015 - nu.nl - Pijnstillende werking van meditatie is geen placebo-effect'
- 17-02-2015 - Gezondheidsnet - Mindfulness kan helpen bij slaapproblemen
- 20-07-2015 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - Mindfulness and Beyond
- 02-02-2015 - RadboudUMC centrum voor mindfulness - Effectiviteit mindfulness bij kanker, overzichtsartikel
- 15-10-2014 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - To Practice Mindfulness, Start by Counting Your Breaths
- 18-09-2014 - Mind and Life Institute - Model Behavior, A new study asks: Does meditation make us more compassionate?
- 6-12-2013 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - New Study Reveals Critical Role of Conscious Awareness in Regulating Emotional Responses
- 30-09-2013 - Gezondheidsnet - Mindfulness helpt bij chronische klachten
- 25-04-2013 - Gezondheidsnet - Mindfulness verlaagt bloeddruk
- 15-08-2012 - Scientias.nl - Mediteren vermindert gevoel van eenzaamheid
- 30-06-2011 - Gezondheidsnet - Mindfulness vermindert klachten PDS
- 18-03-2011 - Gezondheidsnet - Mindfulness helpt tegen opvliegers
Artikelen die ingaan op wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar compassie:
- 19-12-2018 - Universiteit Twente - Werken aan je mentale gezondheid met compassie
- 22-05-2018 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - Training Your Compassion “Muscle” May Boost Brain’s Resilience in the Face of Suffering
- 2017 - Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences - Self-Compassion
- 24-07-2017 - Mindfulness - Altering the trajectory of affect and affect regulation: The impact of compassion training
- 17-05-2017 - Clinical Psychologist - The effects of Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) on health-care workers
- 01-12-2016 - Current Psychiatry - Self-criticism and self-compassion: Risk and resilience Being compassionate to oneself is associated with emotional resilience and psychological well-being
- 15-04-2016 - Universiteit Twente - Compassie als sleutel tot geluk. Een compassietrainining als begeleide zelfhulp voor het vergroten van welbevinden
- 2016 - Mindfulness in Positive Psychology - Self-Compassion: Embracing Suffering with Kindness
- 17-12-2015 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - A Compassionate Approach Leads to More Help and Less Punishment
- 10-02-2015 - Journal of Positive Psychology - A wandering mind is a less caring mind: Daily experience sampling during compassion meditation training
- 21-11-2014 - Gezondheidsnet - Zelfcompassie: wees zacht voor jezelf, dat is prettig en gezond
- 21-11-2014 - Gezondheidsnet - Hoe word je aardig voor jezelf? Zelfcompassie: zet je innerlijke criticus opzij
- 22-05-2013 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - Brain Can Be Trained in Compassion, Study Shows
- 2013 - Journal Of Clinical Psycholog - Self-Compassion in Clinical Practice
- 2012 - Journal of Healthcare, Science and the Humanities - Compassion and Ethics: Scientific and Practical Approaches to the Cultivation of Compassion as a Foundation for Ethical Subjectivity and Well-Being.
- 2009 - Opzij - De kracht van zelfcompassie
- 25-03-2008 - Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - Study Shows Compassion Meditation Changes the Brain
- 2007 - SimplifyLife - Hoogleraar sociale psychologie Roos Vonk: 'Zelfcompassie geeft rust'
- 2007 - Psychologie Magazine - Wees zacht voor jezelf
Interessante publicaties over wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar mindfulness-meditatie:
- Mei-2019 - Physiology & Behavior - Mindfulness Training Disrupts Pavlovian Conditioning
- Februari-2019 - Casting Light on the Dark Side of Brain Imaging (Academic Press, 2019) - What's wrong with "the mindful brain"? Moving past a neurocentric view of meditation
- Februari-2018 - Clinical Psychology Review - Mindfulness-based interventions for psychiatric disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Augustus-2017 - Psychoneuroendocrinology - Epigenetic clock analysis in long-term meditators
- Augustus-2017 - Scientific Reports - Reduced age-associated brain changes in expert meditators: a multimodal neuroimaging pilot study
- Juni-2017 - Frontiers in Immunology - What Is the Molecular Signature of Mind–Body Interventions? A Systematic Review of Gene Expression Changes Induced by Meditation and Related Practices
- December-2016 - Mindfulness - Mindfulness and Self-compassion as Unique and Common Predictors of Affect in the General Population
- Juni-2016 - Psychoneuroendocrinology - Reduced stress and inflammatory responsiveness in experienced meditators compared to a matched healthy control group
- Juni-2016 - JAMA Psychiatry - Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Prevention of Depressive Relapse An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis From Randomized Trials
- Juni-2016 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - Mindfulness meditation–based pain relief: a mechanistic account
- Juni-2016 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - Mindfulness meditation and the immune system: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
- December-2015 - Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience - Mindfulness meditation training alters stress-related amygdala resting state functional connectivity: a randomized controlled trial
- December-2015 - Mindfulness (N Y) - Mindful Aging: The Effects of Regular Brief Mindfulness Practice on Electrophysiological Markers of Cognitive and Affective Processing in Older Adults
- November-2015 - The Journal of Neuroscience - Mindfulness Meditation-Based Pain Relief Employs Different Neural Mechanisms Than Placebo and Sham Mindfulness Meditation-Induced Analgesia
- Oktober-2015 - American Psychologist - Investigating the Phenomenological Matrix of Mindfulness-related Practices from a Neurocognitive Perspective
- September-2015 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences - Reconstructing and deconstructing the self: cognitive mechanisms in meditation practice
- Juni-2015 - British Journal of General Practice - Does mindfulness improve outcomes in patients with chronic pain? Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Juni-2015 - Psychology Research and Behavior Management - Cultivating multiple aspects of attention through mindfulness meditation accounts for psychological well-being through decreased rumination
- Mei-2015 - PLoS ONE - More Meditation, Less Habituation? The Effect of Mindfulness Practice on the Acoustic Startle Reflex
- April-2015 - JAMA Internal Medicine - Mindfulness Meditation and Improvement in Sleep Quality and Daytime Impairment Among Older Adults With Sleep Disturbances
- Januari-2015 - Psychology & Health - Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial of Mindfulness Training for Stress Reduction during Pregnancy
- Januari-2015 - Frontiers in Psychology - Forever Young(er): potential age-defying effects of long-term meditation on gray matter atrophy
- June-2014 - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews - Is meditation associated with altered brain structure? A systematic review and meta-analysis of morphometric neuroimaging in meditation practitioners
- Maart-2014 - JAMA Internal Medicine - Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress and Well-being A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Januari-2014 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - The potential effects of meditation on age-related cognitive decline: a systematic review
- Januari-2013 - Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - A comparison of mindfulness-based stress reduction and an active control in modulation of neurogenic inflammation
- Oktober-2012 - Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction training reduces loneliness and pro-inflammatory gene expression in older adults: a small randomized controlled trial
- Mei-2012 - PLoS ONE - “Mind the Trap”: Mindfulness Practice Reduces Cognitive Rigidity
- Maart-2012 - Frontiers in Human neuroscience - Effects of meditation experience on functional connectivity of distributed brain networks
- December-2011 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - Meditation experience is associated with differences in default mode network activity and connectivity
- Maart-2010 - Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience - Stress reduction correlates with structural changes in the amygdala
- Februari-2010 - Journal of Applied School Psychology - Effects of Mindful Awareness Practices on Executive Functions in Elementary School Children
- November-2005 - Neuroreport - Meditation experience is associated with increased cortical thickness
Interessante publicaties over wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar compassie:
- December 2018 - Current opinion in psychology - Explorations into the nature and function of compassion
- December 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology - Pathways to Improving Mental Health in Compassion-Focused Therapy: Self-Reassurance, Self-Criticism and Affect as Mediators of Change
- Oktober 2018 - Universiteit Twente - proefschrift: Mind compassion: Mental health outcomes and change processes in Compassion Focused Therapy
- September 2018 - Journal of Educational Psychology - Self-compassion is associated with reduced self-presentation concerns and increased student communication behavior
- Augustus 2018 - Self and Identity - The forest and the trees: Examining the association of self-compassion and its positive and negative components with psychological functioning
- December 2017 - Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy - Dispositional self‐compassion and responses to mood challenge in people at risk for depressive relapse/recurrence
- December 2016 - Mindfulness - Mindfulness and Self-compassion as Unique and Common Predictors of Affect in the General Population
- Mei 2016 - Mindfulness - Self-Compassion and Parenting in Mothers and Fathers with Depression
- Mei 2016 - Clinical Psychology Review - What is compassion and how can we measure it? A review of definitions and measures
- December 2015 - Journal of Traumatic Stress - Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, and Functional Disability in U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans
- September 2012 - Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience - Compassion meditation enhances empathic accuracy and related neural activity
- Februari 2012 - Journal of Child and Family Studies - Cognitive-Based Compassion Training: A Promising Prevention Strategy for At-Risk Adolescents
- Augustus-2008 - Psychoneuroendocrinology - Effect of compassion meditation on neuroendocrine, innate immune and behavioral responses to psychosocial
- 2008 - Clinical Neuropsychiatry - A pilot exploration of heart rate variability and salivary cortisol responses to compassion-focused imagery
- 2008 - Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy - Compassionate Mind Training with People Who Hear Malevolent Voices: A Case Series Report
- 2004 - Memory - A pilot exploration of the use of compassionate images in a group of self-critical people
Bronnen waar publicaties over wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar mindfulness-meditatie gevonden kunnen worden:
- RadboudUMC centrum voor mindfulness - wetenschappelijke evidentie
- RadboudUMC centrum voor mindfulness - eigen onderzoek
- Universiteit Twente - Research information over mindfulness
- Universiteit Twente - Student theses over mindfulness
- MindRxiv - Mind & Life Institute - The open archive for research on mind and contemplative practice - mindfulness zoekopdracht
- MindRxiv - Mind & Life Institute - The open archive for research on mind and contemplative practice - meditation zoekopdracht
- The Oxford Mindfulness Centre - Publications
- Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - news
- University of California, Los Angeles Mindful Awareness Research Center - Research
- American Mindfulness Research Association (AMRA) - Mindfulness Research Monthly Archives
- Bangor University Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice - Publications with Members of the CMRP Team
- Google Scholar - mindfulness zoekopdracht
- PubMed - mindfulness zoekopdracht
- Education Resources Information Center - mindfulness zoekopdracht
Bronnen waar publicaties over wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar compassie-training gevonden kunnen worden:
- Universiteit Twente - Research information over compassie
- Universiteit Twente - Student theses over compassie
- RadboudUMC centrum voor mindfulness - compassie onderzoek
- MindRxiv - Mind & Life Institute - The open archive for research on mind and contemplative practice - compassion zoekopdracht
- Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics Emory University - Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics Research
- The Center for Compassion And Altruism Research And Education Stanford University - Research
- Center for healthyminds University of Wisconsin-Madison - news
- The Oxford Mindfulness Centre - Publications
- The Compassionate Mind Foundation - professor Paul Gilbert - Publications
- Self-compassion.org - website professor Kristin Neff - Self-Compassion Publications
- Mindfulselfcompassionforteens.com - website Lorraine Hobbs - Research Studies on Self-Compassion and Youth
- Google Scholar - compassion training zoekopdracht
- PubMed - compassion training zoekopdracht
- Education Resources Information Center - compassion training zoekopdracht